Learning from the biosphere. Low-potential energy of "living matter"
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Learning from the biosphere. Low-potential energy of "living matter"
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The article gives a review of works describing the current state of technosphere energetics and presenting forecasts of its further development. The contradiction between the principles of structure and the direction of evolution vectors of the Earth's biosphere and modern technosphere with its energy is shown. The confrontation between artificial and natural habitat can lead to the destruction of the latter and global ecological catastrophe. In order to avoid such a negative scenario, scientists suggest "learning from Nature". For this purpose, the article considers energy sources and principles of energy conversion used by "living matter" - unicellular and multicellular organisms of the biosphere. In order to prevent a global ecological catastrophe it is necessary to restructure the technosphere according to the nature-like principles. In the presented article, the authors propose a concept of energy of the future ecotechnosphere, based on the already known theoretical and experimental developments made by scientists in the direction of imitating nature - biomimicry (or biomimetics). These include techniques and technologies that reproduce natural processes of energy production and transformation, such as the use of low-potential renewable energy sources, bioelectricity generation, controlled photosynthesis, gluconics (synthesis, processing and utilization of glucose), artificial muscle fiber.

Technosphere energy; evolution; Earth's biosphere; low-potential renewable energy sources; bioelectricity generation; controlled photosynthesis; gluconics; artificial muscle fiber
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